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The missing phpWSBB feature
updated by rck, 2007-04-06

Every once in a while, someone at the phpws forums would like to have a suggestion on how to integrated phpBB into phpWebSite. Then, the usual answer is, to simply take phpWSBB which results in a frown. phpWSBB doesn't have the great features that phpBB has, does it?

Edit The newly-compiled phpWSBB 1.2.0 is now available for download. It contains the private forums hack as seen in CVS with some interface improvements.
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The Schedule

The Schedule consists of various phases, similar to the Missing Hack contest.

January, 2007
Collection of ideas. Please post as many potential phpWSBB that are missing as you like into the Suggest a phpWSBB feature thread.
February, 2007
The thread will be closed and I set up a poll with a selection of your suggestions.
March, 2007
I'll work on making the winning feature come true
April, 2007
The feature is made available on

Go for it!

Please post your suggestion into the Suggest a phpWSBB feature thread to get this thing going. Good Luck!
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The Schedule

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