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Metalab Housewarming Party

updated by rck, 2006-05-25
Metalab Housewarming Party The third Happy Server Friends community event this far led us into the Rathausstraße 6 in Vienna / Austria. This is the location of the so called Metalab. A place where you can hang around, play with technology, have parties and do all other kind of stuff.

The Metalab was pretty full, we even catched a couple of celebrities. Of course, I had my camera with me -- I don't go anywhere without it.

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Add links easily

updated by rck, 2006-04-24
Add links easily

The Linkmanager seems to be some kind of step-son of phpWebSite. Yes, we have a way to collect links, it apparently is saying. Another feature on the list. But is it actually useful?

One of the great things of the currently hyped "Social Bookmarking Tools" like (very nice, btw.) are the bookmarklets available there. All you need to do to add your currently visited site to your "Blinklist" (=List of Bookmarks) is click a button on your Links-Toolbar.

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How people use phpWebSite polls

updated by rck, 2005-12-04
How people use phpWebSite polls More and more people switch from regular static homepages to dynamic ones. The so called WCMS (web based content management systems) are very popular because of their ease of use and setup. One module you can see in about every WCMS, be it a stand-alone forum, a portal or even a blog, is a poll module.

I've analyzed 49 sites running the phpWebSite WCMS. I've taken a look at how the site owners use the polls, especially what kind of questions they are polling and how successful they are in doing so.

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