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FrontPage > BwzNotes > BusinessEnglish2 > ElectoralSystemUK

Electoral System in UK

The british system of government is one of the oldest democratic systems in Europe. The UK set up democracy in whole Europe.

Elisabeth, 2nd is head. She is said to "reign but not rule".

There are 22 leading ministers for England, Scottland, Northern Ireland and Ireland.

I haven't exactly understood the following diagram. But I show it anyway. In case you know what it does: Please explain by editing this Text! (Login - Edit)

The Parliament consists of Soreign?! (What's that?)

And why is it dissolved?

Lords = House of Lords, having 24 bishops
The house of Lords has the ultimate power

Commons = House of Commons, having 650 members

Apparently, the speaker is the officer of the house. And selected to present everything.

By the way: The minimal voting age is 18!

Notes of Mr. Gauster-Filek


Last modified 2005-03-08 21:19 by rck