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FrontPage > BwzNotes > BusinessEnglish2 > English2Topics

Business English 2 Topics


The World of Business (G&M)

written by Gitman and McDaniel?

Chapters assigned may be photocopied from the material in the "Kopiervorlagen" section of the BWZ Library.

Landeskunde: Great Britain / United States of America

written by Spann
published by Klett, Various Editions (2002 or 2004)

Grammar / language

On-line excercises and interactive quizzes. Ocassional additional excercise.


Students will be evaluated on the basis of

  • a midterm test
  • an end test
  • a presentation
  • regular class attendance and preparation


Mar 1/7: Orientation
Mar 8/14: Spann, Political Life, GB & USA, Team 1
Mar 15/Apr 4: Spann, Social Welfare, GB & USA, Team 2
Apr 5/11: G&M, Chapter 19, Accounting, Team 3
Apr. 12/18: Grammar review
Apr 19/25: Midterm test
Apr 26/May 2: G&M, Chapter 20, Financial Institutions, pp 633-651, Team 4
May 3/9: G&M, Chapter 20 (cont.), pp 651-667, Team 5
May 10/23: G&M, Chapter 21, Financial Management, Team 6
May 24/30: G&M, Chapter 22, Securities and Securities Markets, Team 7
May 31/June 6: G&M, Chapter 23, Legal and Tax Environment, Team 8
June 7/13: Review
June 14/20: End Test

...additional later date(s) may be possible


Last modified 2005-03-08 13:27 by rck