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Revision as of 2008-08-12 00:30


  • essentially, very similar to TowerSP?. TowerSP? is available in English (GBA ROM, works with the Nintendo DS as well). If you have played two scenarios or so in TowerSP?, you shouldn't have too much problems here.


TowerDS seems to be more diverse than TowerSP?. You have various missions to do here -- similar to TowerSP?. But you start with a very specialised set.

First Mission: Apartment House

Survive. :-)

Second Mission: Hotel

Goal: Build 6 suites (all of them) and have a VIP come by. As soon as the VIP is happy, you're done.

Third Mission: Shopping Mall

First Star: Get 400 Visitors (the last value in the top-bar)

  • Gives you a 15.000 Yen bonus
  • Gives you a Metro station - ready built, free of charge! (but inactive)
  • Gives you a big and a small lift
  • Gives you restaurant, Shops and Cinema
  • Gives you the possibility to build Sky-Lobbies

Second Star: Get 1.400 Visitors

  • Gives you a 20.000 Yen bonus
  • Gives you a SPA (wellness center)
  • Gives you one additional Cinema (total: 2)

Goal: Have 300 Visitors in the SPA. Took me a while to find out, how. But it's not so hard, thanks to this hint from Shotien. You need to get the Metro going. Everytime, a "hat" symbol is shown over it, click it. And rub the "Stop" sign, until it says "go".

That way, you'll get more people coming to your mall, eventually filling up the SPA.

Last modified 2008-08-12 00:30 by rck