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FrontPage > MembersOfKiesler

Rene Kiesler

( BusinessEnglish2 | HappyServerFriends | WebEngineering | Impressum )


I was born on the 24th of August 1976. My astral sign is Virgo, my chinese sign is Dragon (fire element). According to a Feng-Shui book, my "Kua-Direction" is 6 Northwest, Metal, White.

I do not know about my favorite food. But I find myself drinking Coke light (=Diet Coke) and Icetea light (=Diet Icetea?) all the time. Tea is also nice but I am too lazy to boil water most of the time.

Personally, I am a big fan of black humor. Some people are offended by that, others have a good time with me.


Places I visit:

To cheer you up
power of marker
drinking problem? not me!

My other sites

I sometimes experiment around with stuff. The most recent:

Ex Libris

I like books about various stuff. That's why I'll list a couple of my favourites here.

My Videos

Last modified 2006-03-22 23:31 by rck