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FrontPage > BwzNotes > BusinessEnglish2 > SocialSecurityUS

Social Security in US

The US is the only industrial nation not providing a national social security system.

People could not be helped because they should help themselves.

In August 1959, Roosevelt experienced a great depression (???)

He established two insurance programs: The Federal something and the publicat something (Presentator was pretty fast)

Reserved Fund (???)

In 1935, there was a industrial occupation,

1939, the year of the survival workers.

1950: fulltime farmers, domestics, employees and non-profit were included in the federal program as well

later on, the selfemployed too (???)

the age for early retirement has been lowered from 55 years to 52 years

- the system is financed by Tax from the whole population, and
- pays out to everyone, regardless of need

There is an unemployment insurance. The maximum limits depend on the state one lives in.

In Massachusets (I know I wrote that wrong) it is 26 weeks, in Washington (easier to write) 32 weeks.

Since 1954, about 70 wellfare programs outsidfe the local security have been established.

AFDC: 14 million members

Child have to live in the home of the parents to be covered.

Total benefits: about 23 billion dollars

Medic Aid: about 53 million members

Established in 1956, centers on Medicare and Medic Health Services



min income (???)

1974: 6 mio americans

Food Stamp program

- nutrition program
- school milk program
- public Housing program

Health care

- Mixed program
- employment based health services
- company based

about 40 percent of the US population do not benefit from any health program!

Last modified 2005-03-31 18:30 by rck