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Article Manager

Comparing static webpages with phpWebSite

updated by rck, 2007-01-07
Comparing static webpages with phpWebSite A lot of people are confronted with a tough decission: Should I go for static pages or should I rather take a CMS for my web content needs? While the comparison between a static web page and a CMS might seem a little bit unfair to the pros, it is still reality and something worth reviewing.

The following article tries to shine a little light on the possibilities of phpWebSite, compared with static solutions that can cope without databases and even without php.

Getting along with the Article Manager

updated by rck, 2004-12-13
Getting along with the Article Manager

If you think about a content management system, you usually want to have a collection of text documents within it. A collection of your content. That's what I use Article Manager for in phpWebSite.

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Writing content for Article Manager

updated by rck, 2004-11-15
Writing content for Article Manager

The core competence of phpWebSite is managing content. That's why it's called a content management system. There are a couple of guides on how to install phpWS technically and how to work with modules.

Then, there's the actual content. I couldn't find a common practice guide on how to write content for phpWebSite. So I did one on my own. Enjoy!

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Understanding the Display Engine

updated by rck, 2004-11-15
Understanding the Display Engine

Actually, one of the more powerful things in phpWebSite is the Display engine. A content management like phpWS does just that: It manages your content. I'll show you, how.

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Why phpWebSite isn't useful to Webdesigners

updated by rck, 2004-10-19
Why phpWebSite isn't useful to Webdesigners

I've been playing around with theme creation for the past few days. You can see some results by browsing through recent articles. There are some people, I've talked to a couple, that would like to see more nice themes for phpWebSite. I'd like to compile some points that should make it more likely for Webdesigners to be able to push phpWebSite beyond it's limits.

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