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Borkenkäfer Theme
updated by rck, 2006-03-12

Two years ago, fredgsanford asked in the phpwsforums about black themes. Back then, no one had created a black theme. Until now, there's still not too many of those. Actually, I don't know of a theme that's totally black on black but that shouldn't be too much of a problem.

I tried creating a theme that's only gray and black, with a hint of green as an accent. You can download it here for free. Enjoy!
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The topic

A Borkenkäfer is a bug that likes wood. It lives within trees and eats its heart out there. I don't know exactly why I've chosen it as a topic for a theme. But it must have something to do with it being black within a tree.


You can preview this theme on the theme preview site.


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The topic

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  • Looks great!!!

    Posted on 2006-03-13 01:43:31 By fredgsanford[1]

    I will try it out on my website, looks like it would be easy to change the link colors to my liking.


    [Reply ]

    • Re: Looks great!!!

      Posted on 2006-03-14 08:46:35 By rck[110]

      Yes, it should be very easy. You can find all the a-tags defined in colours.css.

      [Reply ]

    • Re: Looks great!!!

      Posted on 2006-09-18 14:32:18 By Anonymous

      Let us see what you have done.

      [Reply ]

  • No Subject

    Posted on 2006-03-13 11:30:44 By langer[1]

    who turned the lights out?? ;-)

    [Reply ]

    • Re:

      Posted on 2006-03-13 19:33:04 By Anonymous

      Fantastic job!
      Would be great for a photogarphy site.
      Now, we just need to get the coppermine gallery integrated into phpWebsite :-).

      - Eva

      [Reply ]

      • Re: Re:

        Posted on 2006-03-14 08:46:02 By rck[110]

        For a photography site with bright pictures :-)

        Which features of Coppermine do you think are missing in Photo Album?

        [Reply ]

        • Re: Re:

          Posted on 2006-07-29 22:17:20 By Anonymous

          Filmstrip view for sure.

          [Reply ]

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