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Sony Clie TG50
updated by ajp, 2005-05-11

Bought about two weeks ago a used TG50 without software CD or other Supplementary. Wanted to change from my good old Psion 5mx pro to a new Handheld. An interesting adventure with lots of Problems!

An Article from Andreas from Linz / Austria

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Software CD

The most important thing was to get the Software CD. Because otherwise It would be imposible to use the TG50 in contact with my PC. Thsi would myke the clie almost useless! As I didn't hear anything anymore from Sony I had tried to find another source! Just by luck I found a somebody who also uses this TG50 and was willing to help me with his CD! So despite all NON Service of Sony I was lucky to be able to use their product! THANKS!!!

Now I just have to solve the problems of importing the dates from the Psion to the Clie. It is not easy and needs several different organizer programs and a lot of fixing the data! SLowly I manage! But that's another story!
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