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Photo Albums

Photo Albums 241 - 260 of 292 Name None Description None Updated Descending
party artefacts East Berlin

Berlin 3

Bachelor phase 1 of 4, Berlin 3: walking through East Berlin. Quite moving... :-) 2005-04-17 00:09
Spree Berlin around my Hotel

Berlin 2

Phase 1 of 4, Berlin 2: Lookin' 'round my Hotel (Ibis Ostbahnhof, great btw.) 2005-04-16 23:33
Leipzig Traveling to Berlin

Berlin 1

Phase 1 of 4 of "how to become a Bachelor". Berlin 1: How I got there. 2005-04-16 23:20
Deli Sponsion Party


Phase 4 of 4: The party after the sponsion. At the Rattenfänger in Korneuburg. 2005-04-16 22:38
Mr. Freund Sponsion René + Roman


Phase 3 of 4: The Sponsion. Featuring Roman, me and a bunch of other people. 2005-04-16 21:39
wolfgang Bachelor Party

The second event

After being to Berlin in February, it's been about time to party with friends. 2005-04-10 19:51
gloomy Dana Door

Planning to buy a new door

On the 24th of march 2005, my father and I drove around in Styria as well as Upper Austria. Our goal: a company called Dana somewhere in Upper Austria. I need a new front door! 2005-04-10 18:29
is it a sign? Leopolds Berg

A nice view to Vienna

Our first Photo Club session lead us to the Leopoldsberg. It's a small hill near Vienna which has a nice view to the Austrian capitol.

2005-03-21 20:43
dust 2 Autobahn Baustelle Korneuburg

Fastlane, everyday sight

At last. Todays Photo Club session gave me oportunity to photograph what I see everyday. When driving from my home to Vienna, you will see this big construction site.

Not exactly a pleasant sight. And very, very dusty...

2005-03-21 20:29
kraftwerk 3 Wärmekraftwerk Korneuburg

Korneuburgs secret symbol/monument

Todays first Photo Club session lead us to the secret symbol of Korneuburg. The Wärmekraftwerk can be seen from far away and is very recognizable.

Note the red-white-red stripes on it. Red White Red are the colours of the Austrian flag!

2005-03-21 19:22
front 1 BMW Power

How not to take care of your BMW

Another gem from our first Photo Club Session. The owner of this BMW obviously doesn't like it as much as he/she should. Found in Korneuburg.

2005-03-21 19:03
blaumeise 3 Birdwatching

From our first photo club session

klwe and I were watching birds today. We even shot pictures! In case you want to join us and are from Vienna or a surrounding are: Please say so in the Photo Club Forum!

2005-03-21 18:48
Elin Searching a dish washer

Funny messages we got while searching a dish washer

We didn't find one that would fit in the space we have, though. I don't think that's what the manufactures had in mind with their sites. 2005-02-06 17:50
more to come... Lustige Meldungen

Was mir so unterkommt

Ab und zu kommen Meldungen auf meinen Schirm, die ich archivieren möchte. 2005-02-02 00:32
schlusswort Best of Security

Security Verbesserung 2005-01

Damit die vier Stunden Testkorrektur sich diesmal auch auszahlen, haben wir die besten Meldungen verfilmt. Viel Spaß!

2005-01-30 19:50
mouse Stanley at Home

while my father is in Burma...

...I take care of my cat. 2005-01-29 11:16
packet 2 UC-55

My Clié cradle arrived

After months and months of trying, I finally got my Clié Cradle today. That wouldn't have been possible without Wayne from the phpWebSite community.

2005-01-20 10:53
mark Clie TH-55 Resolution Test

how good is my clies resolution?

I've just stumbled across Stephen H Westins Camera Resolution Test Chart and couldn't resist trying it. My Clié performed rather badly, as expected.

2004-12-18 19:18
birgit2 USI XMAS Training

the last training in 2004

Too bad some photos got rather blurry, I left them out. Still: nice shots! 2004-12-18 00:50
relax2 Inside PS2

tweaking a playstation 2

Making a playstation 2 do what it should in the first place is a lot of work. I'm talking of playing DVDs of all regions, as well as imported and selfmade games of course. 2004-12-18 00:38
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