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Photo Albums

Photo Albums 21 - 40 of 292 Name None Description Descending Updated None
Elin Searching a dish washer

Funny messages we got while searching a dish washer

We didn't find one that would fit in the space we have, though. I don't think that's what the manufactures had in mind with their sites. 2005-02-06 17:50
Firework 2 Korneuburger Stadtfest 2006


Village party #28 of Korneuburg 2007-10-03 20:10
tür 1 WU Impressionen 2004-09-08

WU Impressionen

Verlängerung der WU-Karte war mir zwar nicht möglich, doch habe ich ein paar interessante Photos gemacht. 2004-09-30 21:01
birgit2 USI XMAS Training

the last training in 2004

Too bad some photos got rather blurry, I left them out. Still: nice shots! 2004-12-18 00:50
René + Lydia Tom's besucht Donna Rosas


Tom Sauer und Sissi sowie Lydia und ich besuchen das Donna Rosas. 2007-10-07 20:40
Metalab Logo Cutout Metalab Housewarming


Todays Housewarming Party was nice, geeky and full of celebrities 2007-10-08 19:14
Steinbruch Ernstbrunn Hangin' out at Stockerau Airport


Today, we were on the Stockerau Airport "just because". 2006-07-30 18:33
Skip English conversation class


Today, we didn't only have a report about Baqlawa. No, we also had the oportunity to taste one made especially for us. 2005-11-16 22:12
leitung Stockerau Hauptschule Ost


Today, the "Stockerau Hauptschule Ost" had its day of the open door. Here are the pictures. 2007-10-03 15:36
Turkish Pizza Visit from Ankara


Today, I've been eating in a turkish restaurant with my colleagues from Ankara. 2006-04-26 12:38
30 years 30 years Priessnitz Korneuburg


Today was the big celebration of Dr. Priessnitz' 30 year anniversary. 2007-10-03 15:25
Gabriela Burg Gone with the wind


Today was rather windy and cloudy. Nevertheless, Gabriela and I had a lot of fun outdoors with the camera. 2007-10-03 15:43
king Gymnasium Korneuburg Presentation


Today was "day of the open door" in the new "Korneuburg Gymnasium". 2007-10-03 15:40
front view 2 main building Math Run 2004-10-05

Today's Math: a walk in the park

Today I had "Mathematik 1 Prüfung" on the university of technology. It was more a walk in the Park than anything else. Literally. 2004-10-05 16:08
shoe2 Secure XMAS

Security Team 2004-12-18

This year's security xmas party happened at the Mocca Club in Vienna. 2004-12-17 23:41
supporter Soapbox Race


this soap box race happened in Niederrussbach, district of Korneuburg. 2007-10-03 20:07
Organisator Oldtimer 2006 Event


This is the third album of the Oldtimer Meeting 2006 in Korneuburg. It contains the celebrity stuff ;-) 2007-10-03 19:57
rubin grave Moscow Cementery


This is the Moscow cementary, where all the important people are burried 2007-09-02 19:55
Crew HSF 3.0


Third meeting of our Happy Server Friends community. 2006-06-07 06:02
Gänse Kleintiere in Stockerau


These are the photos of the article [url=]Vögel hinter Gittern[/url]. 2007-10-03 15:36
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