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chown 0.1 for phpWebSite
updated by rck, 2005-01-23

As soon as I had finished chmod, I've seen request for being able to change the ownership of a file. If you don't have a shell-access and are running phpWebSite, you might try this module!


Download chown_0.1.tar.gz(6292) and boost it like any other module. You should find an Icon labeled “chown” in your Administrator tab afterwards.


The module will probably only work, if you are running php as root user (cgi'd) or apache as root user (module). And are not using safe_mode.

Could be a security risk. Anyway, have fun.


The module is dedicated to GadeTebobb. Greetings to Texas!

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  • safe mode

    Posted on 2005-04-01 13:08:25 By s_federici[1]

    changed On 2005-04-01 13:09:39 Edited By s_federici (reason: )

    Hi Rene,
    I would like to try your chown module. It states that I'm in safe mode.
    Can I change this? How? I gave him two paths (two subfolders of the same folder).
    It told me that he couldn't change the group of the first folder (because of the safe mode I guess)
    but it told me that he couldn't find the second folder. I checked the spelling and it is ok.

    Any clue?

    [Reply ]

    • Re: safe mode

      Posted on 2005-04-01 13:42:38 By rck[110]

      changed On 2005-04-01 13:43:00 Edited By rck (reason: chmod -> chown)

      Safe mode is a setting your host sets. A php program (the chown module, phpWebSite, etc.) can't affect this setting. You could ask him/her to disable it for you.

      [Reply ]

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