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chmod 0.1.1 for phpWebSite
updated by rck, 2005-02-13

chmod enables phpWebSite users to change permissions of folders and files through the Control Panel. Comes in handy, if you don't have shell access to your host.

0.1.1 fixes a bug. I forgot to write $this-> in front of genOkMsg. Thanks for Johan den Hollander for noticing!

How to install

Unpack the content of chmod_0.1.1.tar.gz(7100) to the mod-directory of your phpWebSite installation. Boost it like every other module.


Log in as a deity, enter the Control Panel, select the Administration tab and press the chmod icon.

You can now enter the rights in octal format (eg 777) and the directory or file you want to have changed.


  • Warns, if safe-mode is enabled
  • Warns, if open_basedir is set and shows open basedirs
  • Checks, whether the file/directory exists
  • Reports, whether it was successful or not
  • Is templateable
  • Every message is translateable.

Special Thanks thumbtack for contributing the icon. The icon used by chmod is based on his idea. You can find his original work in img/chmod_thumbtack.jpg and my old icon in img/chmod_old.gif

If you want to use Thumbtack's Icon, just change the icon in php/controlpanel.php.

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  • No Subject

    Posted on 2005-01-23 19:32:02 By Sharondippity[12]

    Can you show a screen shot of it being used?

    Can it be used for any file on the directory your site resides? I have junk files from other programs that are non-chmodable right now.

    [Reply ]

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